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July 19, 2024

If You Want Innovation Let Interns Challenge Your IT and Digital Projects

An intern from the Rutgers University Master of Quantitative Finance program was working on a data research project. Her search for publicly available data led her to the S&P indexes…
June 24, 2024

Why Graphic Designers Should Learn Data Product Design

In an era where data drives decisions and fuels innovation, the role of graphic designers is evolving. Traditionally, graphic designers have focused on aesthetics, creating visually appealing and impactful designs…
June 15, 2024

Design and distribute any content as a data product

In today’s digital age, the concept of data products has gained significant traction. A data product refers to a product that is built upon data and analytics to provide insights,…
April 28, 2024

What sets the InfoApp as the ultimate format for all digital documents and applications?

In the realm of digital documents and applications, the search for the ultimate format has been a quest marked by fragmentation and inefficiencies. Currently, different formats serve disparate document types,…
April 28, 2024

Platform Skills Flexibility Key to Boosting Productivity Across Diverse Users

Today, skills flexibility is an important feature of software tools and platforms. "Skills flexibility" refers to the adaptability and versatility of a platform to accommodate users with varying levels of…
April 20, 2024

Have you noticed the gradual disappearance of the concept of pages?

Take a moment to create a Google Docs document on your mobile device. As you begin typing, you'll notice something peculiar – there are no distinct pages. Instead, the document…
April 14, 2024

For centuries, it was all paper. Now, it’s HTML.

he advent of Johannes Gutenberg's printing press in the mid-15th century solidified paper as the primary medium for disseminating information and propagating knowledge. Paper not only influenced the visual appeal…
April 2, 2024

How Storied Data Empowers Graphic Designers to Create HTML Documents

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of graphic designers extends beyond static visuals to encompass dynamic and interactive web experiences. While mastering HTM is essential for creating engaging…
March 26, 2024

In-Document BI bridges the gap between valuable data in documents and the scarcity of self-service BI dashboards

In today's data-driven world, accessing valuable insights is essential for making informed decisions. However, the traditional approach to business intelligence (BI) often presents challenges, especially when it comes to accessing…
March 23, 2024

In-Document BI: The Path to True Democratization of Business Intelligence

Let's be real - the self-service BI revolution hasn't quite lived up to its promise of democratizing business intelligence. Even two decades later, only a select few within organizations enjoy…
March 19, 2024

Why You Only Need Web Pages: Embracing the Era of InfoApps

In a world inundated with documents of all kinds—papers, presentations, reports—the sheer volume can be overwhelming. Surprisingly, a staggering 95% of these documents are distributed in formats other than HTML,…
March 18, 2024

Why Large Language Models (LLMs) Won’t Replace Reporting: Unveiling the Complexity Behind the Simplicity

In the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced language models (LLMs), the idea of simply asking a machine for a report or a dashboard seems tantalizingly convenient. But is…
February 18, 2024

Innovation Through Fusion: Excel

The creator of PowerPoint Describes Excel: “as roughly “Plan” plus “Chart”. This integration appears intuitive, and the delay in its realization could indeed be attributed to technical challenges within the…
February 14, 2024

Evolution of Document Creation Software: A Historical Overview

The term "document" encompasses a wide range of written materials, from research reports and company documents to marketing brochures and presentations. Etymologically, it derives from the Latin "documentum," meaning a…
February 13, 2024

The Comparative Nature of the Brain: The Psychology Behind Mental Comparisons

What people crave in any content, document, or report is the comparative information. You may wonder why? In this article, we delve into the psychology behind why the brain is…
February 12, 2024

The Convenience Conundrum: Email Attachments vs. Business Intelligence Platforms for Report Delivery

In the realm of business intelligence and data analytics, the delivery of reports plays a pivotal role in disseminating insights and driving informed decision-making to as many users as possible.…
February 11, 2024

A bar or a pie? That is the question in data visualization!

Why bar charts reign supreme over pie charts in data visualization? In the realm of data visualization, the debate over the superiority of bar charts versus pie charts has long…
February 3, 2024

Embracing Non-Linear Presentations for Engaging Audiences

Presenters bear the responsibility of shaping perceptions around their proposals, products, or services through effective presentations. To achieve this, thinking beyond conventional boundaries and embracing a non-linear presentation style becomes…
February 1, 2024

Streamlining EU Regulatory Compliance: Single Electronic Reporting Format (XHTML)

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of regulatory reporting, businesses operating within the European Union (EU) are continually challenged to stay compliant with the latest directives. One key aspect of this…
January 31, 2024

How to Turn Bank Statements into a Successful Channel of Communications

Banks are actively exploring more impactful communication channels with their customers. While social media is one avenue, it's not entirely under their control. On the other hand, regular bank statements…
January 30, 2024

The Art of Linear and Non-Linear Storytelling

Storytelling, a timeless and universal human endeavor, manifests in myriad forms across cultures and generations. At its core, the art of storytelling can be approached through two distinct yet equally…
January 30, 2024

Innovation Through Fusion: The Cheeseburger

Innovation Through Fusion: The Cheeseburger Another innovative idea born out of fusion involves the creation of the cheeseburger. Legend has it that 16-year-old Lionel Sternberger decided to add a slice…
January 30, 2024

Innovation Through Fusion: The FitBit

Innovation Through Fusion: The FitBit Did you know that Fitbit founders were inspired by the Nintendo Wii? The game’s ability to personify and make personal fitness fun through motion sensors…
January 29, 2024

Getting your documents in a digital format requires understanding of the brain adaptation to online reading

Getting your documents in a digital format requires understanding of the brain adaptation to online reading   In today's digital age, the way we consume information has undergone a radical…
January 28, 2024

Plenty startups want to kill Adobe, but do they have what it takes to do it?

Plenty startups want to kill Adobe, but do they have what it takes to do it? There is significant investment activity in startups aiming to challenge Adobe, spurred by the…
January 27, 2024

Innovation Through Fusion: The Walkman

Innovation Through Fusion: The Walkman   Did you know that before the Walkman, there hadn't been any need for headphones that you could wear while you were walking. All headphones…
January 25, 2024

Enhancing Portable Documents with Embedded Chatbots: A Gateway to Interactive Experiences

Enhancing Portable Documents with Embedded Chatbots: A Gateway to Interactive Experiences In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital documentation, the integration of chatbots presents a paradigm shift in how users…
January 23, 2024

Streamlining Content Creation and Web Front-End Development with Dynamic HTML

Streamlining Content Creation and Web Front-End Development with Dynamic HTML In the ever-evolving digital world, the significance of dynamic HTML in simplifying content creation and web front-end development cannot be…
January 23, 2024

Unraveling the Reporting Dilemma: Why send static PDF instead of Dynamic HTML?

Unraveling the Reporting Dilemma:  Why send static PDF instead of Dynamic HTML? In the ever-evolving landscape of digital documentation and reporting systems, the debate between static PDFs and dynamic HTML…
January 16, 2024

10 Reasons Why Custom Color Palettes Elevate Reports, Dashboards, and Statistical Publications

10 Reasons Why Custom Color Palettes Elevate Reports, Dashboards, and Statistical Publications In the world of data visualization, the choice of color palette plays a crucial role in conveying information…
January 13, 2024

Crafting Memorable Presentations: The Power of Design Surprises and Novelty

Crafting Memorable Presentations: Unleashing the Power of Design Surprises and Novelty   In the realm of presentations, capturing and maintaining your audience's attention is a perpetual challenge. The key to…
January 11, 2024

Fairytale: The Rise of Interactive HTML Presentations

StorySites: The Rise of Interactive HTML Presentations Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Corporatelandia, presentations were dominated by the mighty PowerPoint. It was the go-to tool for businesses…
January 5, 2024

Mastering Visual Excellence: 10 Strategies Employed by Top Brands in Document Design

Mastering Visual Excellence: 10 Strategies Employed by Top Brands in Document Design In the competitive realm of business and marketing, the visual appeal of documents is a critical factor that…
January 5, 2024

The Reign Ends: After 30 Years, PDF Steps Down as the King of Formats, Making Way for Modern Successors

The Reign Ends: After 30 Years, PDF Steps Down as the King of Formats, Making Way for Modern Successors On January 3rd, 2024, the USPTO made a groundbreaking announcement via…
January 3, 2024

Pixel Perfect HTML Design: A Crucial Element in Visual Excellence & Branding

Pixel Perfect HTML Design: A Crucial Element in Visual Excellence & Branding Pixel perfect design is more than just a buzzword in the realm of graphic and web design —…
January 2, 2024

The Power of Portability: 10 Reasons Why Portable Document HTML Format Reigns Supreme

The Power of Portability: 10 Reasons Why Portable Document HTML Format Reigns Supreme In the ever-evolving landscape of digital information, the importance of portability cannot be overstated. For the last…
December 31, 2023

2024 Starts the Tech Fusion Era

2024 Starts the Tech Fusion Era As we step into 2024, the tech landscape is poised for a revolutionary year of fusion, where the convergence of technologies is set to…
Use Case
December 30, 2023

The Yin Yang in Banking: The fusion of customer service and empowering customers with analytics

December 29, 2023

Do Your docs vibe like apps? Flips vs Clicks!

Do Your docs vibe like apps? Flips vs Clicks! In the fast-paced digital era, the evolution of technology has transformed the way we engage with information. As we navigate this…
Use Case
December 28, 2023

The Yin Yang of Manufacturing: Warranty Costs + Analytics

December 26, 2023

Unraveling Narratives Part II: The Nonlinear Symphony of Book Plots and Interactive Data Stories

Unraveling Narratives Part II: The Nonlinear Symphony of Book Plots and Interactive Data Stories The beauty of a book lies in its ability to transport readers into worlds where the…
December 25, 2023

Highlights from the Storied Year of 2023

Highlights from the Storied Year of 2023 The year 2023 has proven to be a watershed moment in the realm of data, witnessing transformative shifts and innovations that are reshaping…
December 22, 2023

Unveiling Narratives Part I: A Comparative Analysis of Storytelling in Books and Data

Unveiling Narratives Part I: A Comparative Analysis of Storytelling in Books and Data Storytelling is a timeless art that transcends mediums, weaving tales that captivate hearts and minds. In the…
December 21, 2023

13 Scalability Costs to Consider when Pushing Data to More Users

13 Scalability Costs to Consider when Pushing Data to More Users In addition to the direct costs of server hardware and software, there are various other costs associated with scalability…
December 20, 2023

Pixel Perfect HTML: Revolutionizing Design and Dethroning PDFs

Pixel Perfect HTML: Revolutionizing Design and Dethroning PDFs   For years, PDFs have been the gold standard for high-quality documents, spanning marketing brochures, product catalogs, infographics, financial reports, newsletters, and…
December 15, 2023

HTML Eliminates the Need for Document OCR and Facilitates Other Document Processing and Accessibility Tasks

HTML Eliminates the Need for Document OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and Facilitates Other Document Processing and Accessibility Tasks OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technologies used to offer significant advantages in automating…
December 13, 2023

Understanding the Differences: Adaptive vs. Responsive Web Design

Understanding the Differences: Adaptive vs. Responsive Web Design Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, designers face the challenge of creating websites that cater to a diverse range of…
December 12, 2023

The Difference Between PDF and Dynamic HTML

December 11, 2023

Unleashing the Power of Dynamic HTML Documents: A Seamless Blend of Interactivity and Accessibility

Unleashing the Power of Dynamic HTML Documents: A Seamless Blend of Interactivity and Accessibility In the realm of digital content, the evolution from static documents to dynamic HTML has been…
December 10, 2023

10 Essential Differences between PDF and Dynamic HTML Documents

10 Essential Differences between PDF and Dynamic HTML Documents Content is king, but the format in which it is presented is the queen. Since content is one of the most…
December 9, 2023

Comparison Between Business Intelligence (BI) Solutions and Storied Data

December 8, 2023

10 Rules to Create Great Headlines for Your Digital Documents

10 Rules to Create Great Headlines for Your Digital Documents If you are going to publish or distribute a digital document, give it a headline like it is going on…
November 30, 2023

The Necessity of Confronting Compute Costs Head-On

The Necessity of Confronting Compute Costs Head-On The BBC article "Every Bitcoin payment 'uses a swimming pool of water'" left many puzzled. The vision of paying for everyday items with…
November 29, 2023

Information Design: When A Picture Is NOT Worth a Thousand Words

Information Design: When A Picture Is NOT Worth a Thousand Words The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" holds a profound reason. Let's delve into it. A standard…
November 28, 2023

Benefits of Embedding Compute Power Directly in Digital Documents

Benefits of Embedding Compute Power Directly in Digital Documents Embedding compute power in digital documents takes the concept of a document to the next level. This next generation document is…
November 27, 2023

12 Benefits of Merging Traditional Documents and App into Unified User Experience

12 Benefits of Merging Traditional Documents and App into Unified User Experience Merging a document and an app could result in what is often referred to as a "docapp" or…
November 26, 2023

11 ways How Organizations Can Create a Data-Driven Decisions Culture

11 ways How Organizations Can Create a Data-Driven Decisions Culture The decision-making process in business is a complex subject, often revolving around the debate of gut feeling versus rational analysis.…
November 25, 2023

Utilitarian Web Design May Seem Simple But Leaves a Lot Out

Utilitarian Web Design May Seem Simple But Leaves a Lot Out BBC recently adopted a new utilitarian web design. It appears simple and good enough to get you straight to…
November 24, 2023

Information Distribution Holds Critical Importance Across All Industries

Information Distribution Holds Critical Importance Across All Industries The more data we have the bigger the importance of making it consumable to all stakeholders.   Transparency: Maintaining transparency through effective…
November 22, 2023

13 Ways Data Driven Decisions Impact Society

13 Ways Data Driven Decisions Impact Society Data-driven decision making has significant societal impacts across various sectors, including business, government, healthcare, and education. Some of these impacts include:   Efficiency…